Monday, August 24, 2020

Blooms Research and Response Essay

A clinician in the mid 1950’s by the name of Benjamin Bloom created Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. This was created as an apparatus for instructors to arrange learning goals and abilities for understudies (Larkin and Burton, 2008). This scientific classification has been utilized widely by the wellbeing field, including nursing, to structure training plans and result testing. Blossoms Taxonomy, comprises of a progressive system inside 3 distinct spaces of learning: subjective, full of feeling, and psychomotor (Larkin and Burton, 2008). As per the scientific classification there are a few subcategories inside the intellectual space. The most reduced perspective in the pecking order for the intellectual area is information. One is relied upon to recover data from long haul memory. Utilizing this in nursing would be the patient having the option to perceive drug reactions related with their medicine routine. Progressing up the pyramid is appreciation. This is the point at which one is required to develop importance from oral, composed, or realistic data. Utilizing this in nursing the patient would have the option to clarify the significance of having clean hands while doing focal line flushing. Application is straightaway. The patient ought to have the option to apply ideas to genuine circumstances. For instance, the patient ought to have the option to figure a resting pulse. The most significant level in the psychological area is the assessment. A medical caretaker would have the option to change ideas to make an individual instructing plan to fit the specific patient circumstance. The medical caretaker would have the option to adjust day by day practice system to meet wellbeing objectives. The second space of learning is the full of feeling area. This space bases on how individuals bargain inwardly: including qualities, inspirations, and perspectives. Accepting is at the base of the progressive system. The medical caretaker must be mindful to and mindful of the open door for learning. A prime case of utilizing this aptitude in nursing, the medical caretaker will help the patient acknowledged requirement for change in their way of life dynamic. Close to the highest point of the pyramid is arranging and conceptualizing, having the option to sort out qualities through prioritization and through differentiating contrasting qualities. Models for utilizing this in nursing are having the option to show the patient to organize day by day obligations to consider time and stress the executives. The highest point of the pyramid in this area is esteem idea; a worth framework that clarifies their conduct. While applying this to nursing the patient will have the option to support sound options after some time. The third area in Blooms Taxonomy of Education is the psychomotor space; how individuals utilize engine abilities to finish or participate in an errand. Impersonation is the capacity to emulate engine action. Applying impersonation to nursing the patient would have the option to identify the correct site for blood glucose testing. Control is straightaway; where the patient adheres to guidelines. A patient can amass gear for glucose testing. Naturalization is at the highest point of the psychomotor area. The patient will have the important aptitudes to finish the errand without considering it. Utilizing this in nursing the patient will have the option to advance to unassisted versatility finishing orthopedic medical procedure the utilization of activity and exercise based recuperation. Bloom’s Taxonomy is straightforward and makes a sensible movement from crucial figuring out how to complex. Utilizing this scientific categorization in the nursing training procedure can have enduring consequences for improving the nursing practice (Larkin and Burton, 2008). References Anderson, L.W., Krathwohl, D.R., Airasian, P.W., et al. (2001). A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. New York. Addison Wessly Longman. Blossom, B., ed. (1956) Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. New York. Longman Krathwohl, D.R., Bloom, B.S., and Masia, B.B.,(1973). Scientific categorization of Educational Objectives, the order of instructive objectives. Handbook II: Affective area. New York: David McKay CO., Inc. Larkin, B. G., and Burton, K. J. (2008). Assessing a contextual investigation utilizing Bloom’s Taxonomy of Education. AORN Journal , 88(3), 390. Simpson E.J., (1972). The order of instructive goals in psychomotor area. Washington D.C., Gyphon House.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Father and Son Relationship, Angela’s Ashes Essay

Probably the most grounded thing in this world is the adoration that structures between a dad and his child. Numerous young men grow up with the craving to be much the same as their dads however for Frank McCourt having a heavy drinker father makes him grow up with the mindset of being something contrary to him. In Angela’s Ashes the fascinating connection among Frank and Malachy makes positive and negative effects on Frank’s life. On occasion, Frank disdained his dad for drinking the give cash however he realized that toward the beginning of the day he would have his dad to himself. Sitting on his father’s lap and hearing anecdotes about Cuchulain was what caused Frank to feel adored. In spite of the fact that Malachy figured out how to cause his child to feel unique, the sufferings that were brought about by him had negative effects on Frank’s life. One of the positive effects that Malachy made for Frank was the Cuchulain story. Cuchulain represented Malachy’s paternal side which possibly happened when he was calm. Cuchulain was something that Frank imparted to his dad which made it amazingly uncommon for him. He clutch the recollections he go through with his dad and regardless of how distraught Frank was at Malachy he realized that the best activity was hold his displeasure in and not put their relationship in harm's way, â€Å"My heart is slamming endlessly in my chest and I don’t recognize what to do in light of the fact that I know I’m seething inside like my mom by the fire and everything I can consider doing is running in and giving him a decent kick in the leg and running out again yet I don’t on the grounds that we have the mornings by the fire when he enlightens me concerning Cuchulain and DeValera and Roosevelt and if he’s there alcoholic and purchasing pints with the baby’s cash he has that look in his eyes Eugene had when he scanned for Oliver and I should return home andâ tell my mom an untruth that I never observed him couldn’t find him† (McCourt 185). Straight to the point knows his father’s enslavement is the thing that caused the family to endure. The unique minutes that Frank made with his dad was what prevented him from kicking him in the leg. Albeit Frank saw his dad drink his little brother’s cash, it was Frank’s love toward his father that made him leave the bar. Malachy’s dependence influenced the way Frank tackled his issues. Since Malachy was constantly out in bars it made a negative effect on his relationship with Frank. At the point when Frank got disturbed for hearing the word â€Å"piss† he went to the Angel on the Seventh Step for help rather than his dad. Malachy’s drinking frequently makes Frank separation himself away from him during times where he was out of luck. Since Frank saw that Malachy’s paternal side possibly came out when he was calm he chose to look for help elsewhere. At the point when he got help from the heavenly attendant, Malachy felt the sentiment of being denied by his child, â€Å"All right. Tell the cleric on the off chance that you like however the Angel on the Seventh Step said that simply because you didn’t disclose to me first. Isn’t it better to have the option to tell your dad your difficulties as opposed to a holy messenger who is a light and voice in your head?† (McCourt 125). Malachy destroyed the relationship he had with his child the second he picked liquor over his family. He turned his back to his family when they required him the most. Forthright was influenced by his father’s dependence at an early age. Watching his dad return home around evening time molded Frank’s point of view on life. He regularly alluded Malachy as the Holy Trinity due to his different perspectives, â€Å"I think my dad resembles the Holy Trinity with three individuals in him, the one in the first part of the day paper, the one around evening time with the tales and supplications, and afterward the person who does the awful thing and gets back home with the smell of bourbon and needs us to pass on for Ireland† (McCourt 210). Straightforward constantly figured out how to have feel sorry for over his dad however when he move to England, Frank no longer had sympathy over him yet outrage. The second Malachy ventured foot in England was where Frank developed indignation towards him. He was angry at his father for being narrow minded andâ causing his family to experience starvation. The negative effect that Malachy made Frank find a new line of work as a message kid. Since he was much more established his attitude began changing towards his dad. He no longer looked as his dad as the person who caused him to feel extraordinary through the Cuchulain stories yet as an egotistical dad who burned through cash on drinks. Malachy’s awful activities made Frank grow up with the mindset of being something contrary to his dad. The terrible model that Malachy exhibited profited Frank since it gave him what a man isn't assume to do.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Introducing the New EasyBib Add-in for Office 365

Introducing the New EasyBib Add-in for Office 365 (2) Big news! The new EasyBib Add-in for Office 365 is now available, allowing you (or your students) to effortlessly cite as you write online. Best of all, this powerful new add-in is free! In Office 365, the EasyBib Add-in opens as a column to the right of a document and lets users automatically generate citations for books, articles, or websites. This means you can easily copy and paste a quote into the document, cite it with the add-in, and immediately start writing your paper without navigating between windows. More efficiency means more time. Depending on the source type, the EasyBib Add-in for Office 365 only needs the URL, title, author, ISBN, or keywords to begin the citation generation process. In addition, users can cite in MLA format, APA format, or Chicago style with just a few clicks. It really is that simple! Our digital bibliography is also dynamic when it comes to citation styles. You can start citing in MLA format, discover on your syllabus that it’s actually supposed to have APA citations, and go back and easily change the citation style. When you’re finally done with your paper, one click will insert your entire bibliography into the digital document. Voilà, and you’re done! The EasyBib Add-in is free and easy to download. Try it out today!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Slavery Of The Slave Trade - 1405 Words

The slave trade, which was once a legal part of the American constitution, has for many years become a form of piracy because it takes away the basic human rights of any person. The Atlantic slave trade was originated in West Africa and became a systematic institution in American and European economies. This plague brought about an inevitable existence of the nations greatest political conflict. The slave trade evoked heartbreak, and a horror to society as the nation became split over puritan values and economic growth. Stowe (1852) â€Å"The thing itself is the essence of all abuse† (p. 622). The American slave trade was notorious in the sense that it dehumanized and mistreated fellow people to a degree of animalization. In 1619 the Dutch introduced the first captured Africans to the Americas, igniting the beginning of the slavery system, which soon evolved into one of the most horrific treatment towards fellow men. King Charles II ordered that the Royal African Company to tr ansport Africans from West Africa to America, in order to help with the growing demand of tobacco and cotton produced by American plantations. In 1807 England outlawed the slave trade, but the need for inexpensive labor was so great that the slave trade in the south of the newly formed United States flourished. In Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe familiarizes the reader with a 19th century farm located in the southern state of Kentucky. Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a revolutionary novel depicting the livesShow MoreRelatedSlavery And The Slave Trade1436 Words   |  6 PagesSlavery has been documented and has been part of the world for a very extensive time. Slaves as well-defined by numerous of individual’s state that slaves were a group of individuals who were legally bought and soon after, became the property of an owner and were forced to obey. No one knows when slavery actually came about, but we do know that it existed. So this being said, today I will be talking about the slave trade, comparing the differences of being an African slave and American slave, asRead MoreThe Slavery Of The Slave Trade1328 Words   |  6 Pagesamounts of workers for cultivation infrastructure. For this reason, American settlers began the transatlantic slave trade trade. Christianity played an important role in advocating for the morality of the slave trade (Richard). In order to drive the slave industry, pastors across America used the traditions and stories found in the Bible to endorse and even encourage the practice of slavery. At this time, America was seeing ever dividing sects of protestantism. There were countless institutions anywhereRead MoreSlavery And The Slave Trade1498 Words   |  6 PagesThe phenomenon of new world slavery was a well-run business and the slaves were the product. Slavery was one of the few industries in history where assets exceeded liability and owner’s equity, which is an unusu al occurrence considering the equation is normally that assets equal liability and owner’s equity. Throughout this essay, the rise of slavery and the slave trade will be explained and slavery will be illustrated as the product of a domino effect. Slavery was a process and it took many peopleRead MoreThe Slavery Of The Slave Trade1310 Words   |  6 PagesThe word slave is well-defined as an individual detained in servitude as the chattel of another, or one that is wholly impassive to a ruling power (American Heritage dictionary of the English language, 2011). The most renowned circumstances of slavery materialized throughout the settling of the United States of America. From 1619 until July 1st 1928 slavery was acceptable within United States of America the Slavery protestors endeavoured to end slavery, which at some point; they were effective atRead MoreThe Slavery Of The Slave Trade1104 Words   |  5 PagesThe Atlantic Slave Trade was about importing and exporting of com modities such as sugar, cotton and humans beings (slaves) which would be considered the most valuable product. A slave is defined as a person being held in servitude as the chattel (property) of another; one that is completely subservient to a dominating influence.† (Merriam-Webster) According to Paul Lovejoy â€Å"slavery was one form of exploitation. Its special characteristics included the idea that slaves were property; that theyRead MoreThe Slavery Of The Slave Trade1295 Words   |  6 Pagesyou a few examples of how Atlantic slave trade came to be. What would be significant about it is that the laws, and rules that existed for the slave trade, were slightly confusing. Example not everyone knew or would agree to slave trade, the vast argument was whether slavery was a necessity or not and who would be considered a slave. Some say that without slaves, they would not get the proper work done such as field work is an example. Also others argued that slavery was not need ed. As a result of theRead MoreSlavery And The Slave Trade Essay1313 Words   |  6 Pagesuse of the domestic slave trade because of the need for slaves in the tobacco planting lands. Many landowners and planters looked towards the Chesapeake area to seek for slaves. Many slave owners started looking towards that region because the International Slave Trade had been blockaded off. The domestic slave trade began something different; where African Americans were moved to a new location either through being sold or being transferred. Because of the desperate need of slaves in order to earnRead MoreThe Slavery Of The Slave Trade1987 Words   |  8 Pagesbe complete without the mention of the interstate slave trade. This is most applicable when we talk about one aspect of the slave trade that often gets overlooked, the Atlantic Slave Trade. When mentioning the Atlantic Slave Trade, it is the fact that southerners considered reopening the trade after its dissolution in the beginning of the nineteenth century. Interestingly enough, there were movements by southerners to reopen the Atlantic Slave Trade that were in the name of southern expansion. OneRead MoreSlavery And The Slave Trade2968 Words   |  12 Pageshistory of slavery is long, documented, captured in photos and personal narratives of slaves and slave owners. There are many accounts of how slavery started, the horrific stories of transporting slaves and what they were used for throughout history. To start at the beginning you have to start with how slaves were placed in different countries and continents where they were not born. Most know about the Atlantic slave trade that effected North America, South America and the Caribbean. Slavery existedRead MoreSlavery And The Slave Trade1889 Words   |  8 PagesFor over 2,000 years, slavery has been conducted in various parts of the world. From year 1500 to year 1900, Europeans stole individuals from West Africa, West Central Africa, and Southeast Africa and shipped them to the different parts of the Atlantic. This process dehumanized them of their identity. Europeans stole husbands, wives, merchants, blacksmiths, farmers, and even children. They removed them from their homelands and gave them new names: slaves. European slaveholders never thought to take

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Evolutionists And Creationism Theories About The...

The dispute between the facts of how human beings and the universe were created, prevails for several years, and is a factor that currently remains controversial. Evolutionists and creationist affirm different theories about the existence of God, the existence of fossils and finally the theory of the Big Bang, which was introduced by evolutionists, as the main cause of the universe appearance and further development. As a result, the debates between evolutionists and creationists seem to be far from its finale because their arguments are completely opposite. However, evolutionists, who believed that life evolved the smallest and most primitive organisms, they ignore the fact that all things were created by a higher authority; fortunately, humanity s faith in God was strong enough to announce evolutionists that God created everything, which proves that the creationist theory is therefore, higher. Furthermore, to state a clear definition of creationism, appear as the belief that life and all the universe were created by a supernatural authority, intelligent and benevolent God. On the other hand, evolution is the process which states that all different kinds of living things and organisms developed from other forms, during the Earth’s history. Furthermore, evolutionist, who are also known as atheists, argue that despite all the enormous technological progress, scientific observation, and ultra-sensitive telescopes, have not found any factual evidence that shows any existenceShow MoreRelatedCreationism versus Evolutionary Theories Essay1216 Words   |  5 Pagesby the two major theories in the world used to explain how the human race and other life forms came to be on planet Earth. These two theories are commonly known as the Creationism theory and the Evolution theory. I want to have a look at: who came up with these theories, why those theories exist, different beliefs on how old the earth is, basic timelines for each theory, central reason as to how humans came to exist and where the evidence used by each side to explain the existence of mankind is derivedRead MoreEvolutionism versus Creationism Essay513 Words   |  3 PagesEvolutionism versus Creationism Evolution is a theory to explain facts. Creationism is a myth to explain facts. Evolution is proven through facts; creationism is a story about facts. There is a constant debate going on with science versus religion, but the interesting point to realize it that science creates the facts, and all the creationists (the religious) can do it argue evolutionists theories. So what can be inferred is that evolutionists provide the evidence, and the creationists tryRead MoreCreationism And Evolutionism887 Words   |  4 Pages Creationism Vs Evolutionism The debate between creationism and evolutionism has been a topic of discussion by scientists and religious believers since the 19th century. Since the very first religion such as Hinduism and all that came after, there has been the belief of a higher being, a divine creation more powerful than humans of which has created the world of that we live in. Until 1859, Sir Charles Darwin’s book â€Å"On the Origin of Species† introduced and described a theory based solely onRead MoreThe And Evolution Between Creationism And Creationism1023 Words   |  5 Pagesexploration is ideal, especially in the science classrooms. So what is the answer to how to present our students with the opportunity to make their own decisions? According to the laws and court decisions as of today, it is highly unlikely that Creationism will be granted equal time in the biology classroom any time soon. The Ohio standards for science include evolution as a core component mandating that biology teach ers incorporate natural selection and the history of life on earth as part of theRead MoreThe Origin Of Life And Matter1702 Words   |  7 PagesWhere did we come from? Even children become struck with the question about the origin of life. As tough as it may be to tell a young child how babies are made, it does not compare to the complexity of explaining how the entire universe began. Every human has a natural desire to discover the truth, but it stands as one of the most controversial subjects. Some philosophical minds, Evolutionists or Darwinists, believe everything started with a â€Å"Big Bang† and then began to evolve into the world andRead MoreEssay on Creation’s Contest with Evolution2006 Words   |  9 Pagesthe largest controversies in todays public school systems: should creationism still be taught in public schools? In the trial, Clarence Darrow argued that teaching creationism in public schools defies the separation of church and state (which is pulled from the first amendment). Darrow moved on to say that evolution does not disobey the first amendment. The trial denied all public schools the right to teach creationism-a belief that humans were created by a higher being-although evolutionRead MoreEvolution : The Fossil Say No ! Essay2153 Words   |  9 PagesCreationism, it is theory that claims every element in the earth, including living species, are all created by the god as the Bible said, which denies the evolutional theory came up by Charles Darwin. Then, since Darwin’s evolutionary theory is testable and make solid predictions whereas creationism cannot be tested nor predict precisely, it has been considered as a pseudoscience. However, recently there is a Ph.D. Biochemist bring creationism theory back to the audience again, his name is DuaneRead More Creationism vs Evolutionism Essay2392 Words   |  10 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Most people view the theory of evolution as being a feasible explanation of how life became what is today. Evolution is a theory that the various organisms are descended from others that lived in earlier times and that the differences are due to inherited changes that occurred over many generations. It must be realized that evolution is a theory and cannot be considered a fact. Even though it’s roots are from Greek anatomists, the theory of evolution came to light in 1859 whenRead More Creationism and the Classroom Essay922 Words   |  4 Pages Creationism and the Classroom nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The American classroom is suffering from a major deficiency. The science curriculum supports one theory of evolution and no other theory as to how the existence of the universe has come to be. This narrow-minded approach has kept many young minds from seeing a very broad picture of this world. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Scientific creationism should be included in our public school curriculum because it is paramount to the progress ofRead MoreEvolution And Evolution By Natural Selection1222 Words   |  5 Pagesfact is a wholly misplaced argument. Evolution by natural selection is a theory and theory is just a five letter word for an idea that cannot yet be proven. Such is the case in the arguments for and against evolution by natural selection. Looking at the weakness of the theory of Darwinian evolution is the perfect place to start to argue against evolution by natural selection. Two weakness of Darwinism in relation to creationism are, according Joseph Kuhn, the irreducible complexity of the cell, and

Christian Respose to Islam Free Essays

string(146) " this belief to deny that Jesus, who they believe was just a prophet, did not die on the cross because as stated above prophets cannot be killed\." Christianity and Islam are two of the most significant religions since their creation. Islam means â€Å"submission† in Arabic, and a Muslim is one who submits to the will of God (Allah). Christians are called so because of Jesus’ title Christos, which is Greek for Messiah. We will write a custom essay sample on Christian Respose to Islam or any similar topic only for you Order Now Christianity and Islam are similar in a lot ways, but also have quite a few differences in beliefs, practices, and basic theology. They also give separate messages to outsiders as to what their religions stand for. Both religions are monotheistic with a holy text and they both strive to conquer evil. Islam has a set of rules (5 Pillars of Islam) set forth to reach enlightenment while Christians repent, accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and then are forgiven for their sins. A lot of people in today’s world believe that Islam and Christianity are very similar with only a few subtle differences, but this paper will discuss some of the big difference regarding the belief in on God, the view on prophets and the view on the Day of Judgment. To begin, lets compare the Islamic view on the belief in one God. The first and greatest teaching of Islam is proclaimed by the Shahada, which states, â€Å"La llaha illa-l-lah, Muhammandun rasulu-l-lah. † (â€Å"There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the apostle of Allah†) (Robinson). After a person sincerely makes this confession than they become a real Muslim. Muslims believe that Allah is one, and has no partners, no equals. The Quran states, â€Å"And cry not unto any other god along with Allah. There is no god save Him. † (Sura 28:88). This statement in the Quran makes a clear claim that Muslims believe that Allah is supreme, that he created and maintains the world. In Islam it is also very clear that Allah has no son, no father, no relative and no associates. â€Å"The Muslim prophet Muhammad is reported to have written down 99 names to try and express the attributes of Allah. Some of these that Muhammad wrote down is that Allah is merciful, that he is all-powerful (omnipotent), all-knowing (omniscient) and that he is eternal (no beginning and no end)† (Robinson). The Christian response to this claim by Muslims is that there is only one righteous and transcendent creator God. In the Old Testament Moses states, â€Å"The Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. † (Deuteronomy 6:4). This passage makes it clear that God is there is only one God who wants us to love him totally with all our being. Once again in the New Testament Jesus Christ himself states, â€Å"29 The most important one, answered Jesus, is this: Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 Love the Lord our God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. (Mark 12: 29-30). The problem between Christians and Muslims is not the fact that there is only one God, but the view of the trinity. Christians believe that there is God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit. These three persons are complete in unity of will, purpose, action and love, yet cannot be separated even though they have different functions. The Bible speaks of God, the Father, who as the co- Creator, blesses: â€Å"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. (Ephesians 1: 3), initiates and sends â€Å"Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. † (John 17: 3). And finally God sent the Holy Spirit, who is resident within a Christian, to guide, instruct and empower them. â€Å"16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. (John 14:16-17) It is important that God as â€Å"Father† not be viewed within a biological context. Christians share with Muslims the prohibition against conceiving of God in the form of an image. God as â€Å"Father† refers, rather, to a relationship between God and man. Christians accept all the 99 names of God, which Muslims repeat in praise to God. Even the name Allah is affirmed by Christians as one of the names of God, the same Arabic name that the Prophet Abraham used in Hebrew as â€Å"El† or â€Å"Elohim. † Secondly, lets compare the Islamic belief about the prophets to that of the Christian belief. Islam makes a distinction between a messenger (rasul) who is sent with a Divine Scripture to guide and reform mankind, and a prophet (al nabbi) who simply carries information or proclaims Allah’s news. Therefore, though all messengers are prophets, not all prophets are messengers. The number of Allah’s prophecy is said to be 124,000, yet the Quran mentions only 25 prophets. Some of these prophets are Adam who is the first, Abraham, Jacob, Ishmael, Isaac, David, Solomon, John the Baptist, Jesus and also Muhammad, who is said to be the final and greatest prophet. And verily, we have raised in every nation a Messenger, saying, â€Å"Serve Allah alone and shun false gods in any form. † Then Allah guided some of the people. And error took hold of others. Do take lessons from history as you travel in the earth, and see the consequence of the deniers. † (Sura 16:36) According to the Sura Allah raised up these prophets, among every nation, to provide mankind with firm and constructive guidance, so that they could walk the straight path of Allah, could live happily in this world, and could be prepared for life after death. Allah promises to protect his prophets from serious sin, bad disease and death. Muslims use this belief to deny that Jesus, who they believe was just a prophet, did not die on the cross because as stated above prophets cannot be killed. You read "Christian Respose to Islam" in category "Essay examples" The Christian response about prophets is that God appointed prophets and others to speak to mankind about his word, and his story of redemptive acts in history. Christians believe that God revealed the interpretation of his acts to the prophets who then passed it on to man by preaching, teaching and writing it down. Even though â€Å"Muslims and Christians have quite a few people that both agree were prophets Muslims do not believe that Isaiah, Jonah, Daniel, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, Paul and Jesus were prophets† (Robinson) Prophets within Christianity came from different classes of society, some rich, others poor, young and old; some scholars, and others with little education. Not all wrote books (Elijah, John the Baptist), but they all heard God’s word, either through angels, by means of visions, by God’s voice, or by receiving the message in their minds and hearts. Also contrasting Islam we know that prophets were not sinless, but just normal believers whose sins were forgiven by God. The prophets most important message was that since there are none who could obey the law fully, they remained still in sin, and so deserved death. â€Å"Yet, those living with sin need not despair, because God had promised to take upon himself the guilt of their sins, by incarnating himself and dying on the cross, thus taking upon himself that penalty, and so freeing him to forgive them from those sins, which then brought them back into a personal relationship with him. (Rahim et al). When a Christian tries to evaluate to see whether or not Muhammad was a prophet, they must try to see him in light of the total Biblical witness ending with Jesus and displaying these three criteria. One that he fully accepts the former Scriptures, two that he points to the central significance of Jesus as redeemer and three that his life and teachings exemplify suffering redemptive love. Based on these three criteria, which are shown through the life of Jesus, Muhammad is not at all a prophet. Thirdly, lets view the Islamic view on the Day of Judgment (Death) and the Christian response to what they believe. â€Å"To begin we must first find out what a Muslim believes about sin. To a Muslim sin is a private matter, which is not binding from one generation to the next. This is so because Satan is the root of all sin and Allah being all merciful, forgives those who ask. There is only one sin that the Muslims believe is so bad that it is deemed unforgivable, that of â€Å"shirk,† which is the practice of associating anyone or anything with Allah. Going by this logic the sin of Adam and Eve was not really their fault at all because Satan tricked them, and they asked for forgiveness. Furthermore, their sin was not hereditary/ passed down to their children. Also because the sin committed by Adam was not his fault and he repented, Allah made him earth’s first messenger. † (Nazir-Ali 142-144) For the Muslim, salvation is attained not by faith, but by works, in observing the Five Pillars of Islamic practice, as well as avoiding the major and minor sins. Tradition indicates that on the Judgment Day, once the person is buried, the two recording angels appear, and the dead person sits up to undergo an examination. If he says the â€Å"Shahada† (â€Å"There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the apostle of Allah†), he lies down peacefully and awaits his judgment. If he refuses the â€Å"Shahada,† he is severely beaten for as long as Allah pleases. Once the individual is awakened for judgment a scale is presented, which weighs the good and bad deeds of the person taken from their â€Å"book of destiny. Ultimately Allah makes the decision as to whether someone should be received into paradise or not. â€Å"If Allah places the individual’s book in his right hand then that person is saved and crosses a razor sharp bridge to paradise, which holds a perfumed garden of material and sensual delights, surrounded by rivers and flowing fountains, populated with black-eyed virgins, who are there to serve them with all variety of fruits† (Nazir-Ali 145). On the other hand, a vivid hell (Gahenna) awaits those who fail the test. This hell is described in the Quran as a place consisting of boiling water, gore and fire; it is a hell of extreme physical pain† (Nazir-Ali 145). Christians view of sin/death is drastically different that of Islam. A Christian believes that any sin is an abomination to God, because it is, in essence, a rejection of His character. Christians believe, as Muslims believe, that Satan does tempt us. Yet, Christians are responsible for their own sins, and not Satan. Christians believe that they have the choice to reject Satan’s tempting. But, The Bible insists throughout, that the wages of sin is death, and since we are all guilty, therefore, we all deserve death. God, however, in His mercy, has not left us in that guilt, but has offered payment and forgiveness for those who receive it. He has sent His Son (Jesus Christ) to die in our place, to take upon himself our guilt. Therefore, those who believe in His redeeming death on the cross, and repent of their sins, are saved from eternal separation (John 3:16-17), while those who reject Him will be eternally condemned. Before His ascension into heaven, Christ promised to return a second time to judge the world. When He returns, He will raise all the dead to life, and will separate those who believe from those who reject, as a shepherd divides the sheep from the goats. Those rejecting Christ will live in eternal punishment, in total isolation from God because, in rejecting God’s Son, they have rejected God the Father and God the Holy Spirit as well, and no sin is greater than this. â€Å"22 Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist—he denies the Father and the Son. 23 No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also. (1 John 2:22-23). Those who have truly believed in Christ the redeemer, will not fear Christ on Judgment Day, and will have eternal life. This does not mean that they will go into a garden full of carnal pleasures, which, as we know in this life, separates us from God, but they will go into the presence of God Himself, to live forever with Him in love and in joy. For, as it says in The Bible, † 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, â€Å"Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. † 5 He who was seated on the throne said, â€Å"I am making everything new! † Then he said, â€Å"Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true. † 6 He said to me: â€Å"It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. 7 He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son. (Revelation 21: 3-7). To summarize, even though Islam and Christianity both are monotheistic, both have a holy text and both strive to overcome death/evil there are big blatant differences. Hopefully the above paper achieved its’ aim in informing people of the differences regarding the belief in on God, the view on prophets and the view on the Day of Judgment. All in all those that believe that these religions are similar and basically the same thing are incorrect and should stop skipping over/ignoring the discrepancies between the religions. How to cite Christian Respose to Islam, Essay examples

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Matthew Nestasia Essays (386 words) - Video Surveillance

Matthew Nestasia Body cameras Good or Bad? Should the police feel like their privacy is being violated? The answer is yes, with most officers of the law now being required to wear cameras on their uniforms while on duty they are unable to have any form of privacy with their partners. Even though I do not like the lack of privacy cops have now, I still feel like the body cam is a great tool for evidence that could defend or worsen an officer's case. The advantage to wearing the camera is that it records everything that is happening to the cop, so if they're in the middle of a crime scene face to face with the criminal the camera will record the actions and words of the suspect. This evidence can be used to almost certainly incarcerate the criminal for their actions. For example the video we had watched during class, on video the criminal was caught driving recklessly and attempting to assault the officer who gave chase. If the criminal had survived the encounter he would have been thrown in prison thanks to the v ideo evidence. The body camera is also good for weeding out the dirty cops in the force. Since the officers wear the camera while on patrol often times they'll forget to shut it off when doing things in private. You'll either find an officer in the bathroom or the officer doing some shady business with a criminal suspect. While this invasion of privacy has some good benefits, it also has bad ones too. Imagine your with your partner in the car and the two of you are just hanging out and talking, you have to watch what you say the entire conversation because your being recorded. The possibility of you saying something dumb like "The chief is a loser" is very high when you think you're alone or with your friend, this could lead to some possible tension among officers that could lead to someone losing their job. In conclusion I feel that body cameras are necessary and should be worn by all officers while on duty. But I don't ignore the issues surrounding the body cam aswell , like a lack of privacy. I almost think of them as a necessary evil in a way.